Rate Schedules and Classes
The charges for use of water shall be in accordance with the schedule of charges approved by the Board of Directors. When a customer vacates their property, the District will continue to charge for water service until notified to discontinue service.
Water rates vary by type of use. Refer to the applicable rate schedule.
Rate Groups
There are five rate groups.
Potable (Drinking) Water
Potable (Drinking) Water
Potable water refers to drinking water. The retail charges consist of two types of charges – a monthly base rate and a commodity rate.
- The monthly base rate: is determined by the size of a customer’s water meter.
- The commodity charge: applies to all water passing through the meter, which is water that is used by the customer.
The potable water retail rates are classified as residential and commercial/industrial. Refer to the applicable rate schedule.
Fire Protection
Fire Protection
Fire Protection rates are charges for connections to provide water for use in private fire protection systems. The Fire Protection rates are based on three different types of private fire hydrants found in the District. These rates are in addition to any commodity charges.
Type One Private Fire Hydrant:
Type one private hydrants are connected directly to the District’s public water system, within an on-site District easement, on private, commercial, industrial, institutional, apartment, or condominium property. Maintenance of type one private hydrants is performed by the District. Each type one private fire hydrant shall be assessed a monthly charge as set forth in the applicable rate schedule.
Type Two Private Fire Hydrant:
Type two private hydrants are installed downstream of detector checks. Each private automatic sprinkler system, including those with type two on-site hydrants and fire hose racks connected to District lines by means of a detector check valve with metered bypass, shall be assessed a monthly service charge based on the size of the detector check as set in the rate schedule. This service classification will not be charged for any water used for fire suppression, fire drill, or test purposes provided the District is given advance notice of any fire test or drill, or where water used for fire suppression can be verified. All other unauthorized use, either registered by the bypass or estimated by the magnitude of the flow, will be invoiced at the construction water rate. Billing for such unauthorized use will be determined by multiplying the consumption recorded on the bypass meter by a factor of 50. Maintenance of type two hydrants shall be the responsibility of the owner.
Type Three Private Fire Hydrants:
Type three private hydrants are connected to the public system by means of a fire meter. Water used in fire suppression will be measured by the fire-rated meter and billed at the potable water commodity rate. Where such service exists, no separate charge for private fire protection shall exist. Maintenance of type three private fire hydrants shall be the responsibility of the owner.
Recycled Water
Recycled Water
Recycled water has undergone extensive treatment so that it can be used for non-drinking purposes such as landscape irrigation, agricultural irrigation, and industrial processes.
Recycle water rates consist of two charges, a monthly base rate and a commodity charge. The monthly base rate is determined by the size of the customer’s meter. The commodity charge applies to all recycled water passing through the meter and is assessed at the recycled water commodity rate. View the Recycled Water Rates.
Water for construction purposes may be obtained by licensed contractors from District facilities on a metered or unmetered basis as determined by the District. Special rates, hook-up charges, advance payments, and conditions apply to water obtained for construction purposes as specified in the District’s Permit To Use District Facilities, which can be obtained upon written application by the contractor on the approved permit form. View Construction Water Rates.
In order to recover the costs associated with late payment, disconnections, and/or damages sustained by the District, the specified items listed in the Miscellaneous Fee Schedule are charged to customers at the cost determined by the Board.
Rate Schedules
Walnut Valley Water District charges customers (residential, recycled, and commercial) for use of water. These charges are in accordance with the schedule of charges set by the Board of Directors. When a customer leaves their registered account, the District will continue to charge rates until notified to discontinue service.
Water rates vary by type of use. Refer to the applicable rate schedule below.
2025 Rate Schedule
Rates went into effect on January 1, 2025.
To see what pump zone you are in, enter your property address on this WVWD Division Map.