Water Supply
100% of your drinking water travels hundreds of miles to reach your home. Walnut Valley Water District relies on imported water from the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California (MWD) and Three Valleys Municipal Water District (TVMWD). MWD imports water from Northern California via the State Water Project (SWP) and from the Colorado River via the Colorado River Aqueduct. About 45% of Southern California’s water supply comes from these two sources.
MWD owns and operates the Weymouth Water Treatment Plant located in the city of La Verne. TVMWD purchases a blend of the treated Colorado River water and SWP water from the Weymouth plant and treats it at its own water treatment plant located in the city of Claremont known as the Miramar Water Treatment Plant.
Virtual tours of the Colorado River Aqueduct, State Water Project, and Miramar Water Treatment Plant are available here:
Water Usage & Customer Data
The District delivers an average of 16,813 acre-feet of water each year to its customers. The majority of water delivered to District customers is used for residential purposes in and around the home.
*An acre-foot is about 326,000 gallons of water, or the amount that two families use in one year.
Drinking Water System & Connections
The WVWD Drinking (Potable) System is Comprised of:
- 384 Miles of Pipe
- 28 Reservoirs
- 15 Pump Plants
- 37 Pressure Regulating stations
- 28,280 Service connections
- 14 Pressure Zones
Active Service Connections Include:
Single Family Residential: 25,495
Multi-family Residential: 166
Commercial / Institutional: 959
Industrial: 164
Landscape Irrigation: 365
Recycled: 348
Average Annual Water Supply from Weymouth and Miramar
Weymouth Treatment Plant: 13,729 Acre-Feet
Miramar Treatment Plant: 2,575 Acre-Feet
Total Annual Water Supply (on average): 16,304 Acre-Feet
Average Annual Water Use (in Acre-Feet*)
Single Family Residential: 9,190
Multi-family Residential: 1,503
Commercial / Institutional: 1,071
Industrial: 142
Landscape Irrigation/Other: 753
Recycled: 1,470
Total: 14,129
The Future of Water
Water supply reliability and environmental sustainability are priorities for WVWD. The District is working towards a future where the customers we serve have the tools and resources they need to live a water-efficient lifestyle.
Together we can fight water waste and help protect the environment!