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Water Bill Assistance Programs

Walnut Valley Water District offers eligible customers two paths for assistance with their bill:

  • A rate reduction through the Affordable Rate Program
  • More time to pay through payment extension requests

If you have any questions, please contact the Customer Service Department at (909) 595-7554 or by email at cservice@walnutvalleywater.gov.

Walnut Valley Affordable Rate Program (WVARP)

Walnut Valley Water District offers eligible customers an Affordable Rate Program to help with monthly bill payments. If your household qualifies for a discount on your energy bill under the electric or gas CARE programs, you may also qualify for a discount of up to 50% on the base rate of your water bill.

If approved, the discount will become effective within sixty (60) days after the date of approval. If your application is not approved, you will receive a letter from the District explaining the reason for that disapproval. Applicants may apply any time throughout the year; however, applications will be accepted on a first come, first served basis, contingent upon the availability of funds.

Complete the form below to apply for the Walnut Valley Affordable Rate Program (WVARP).