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Residential Rebates

Walnut Valley Water District has partnered with the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California to offer rebates available to customers throughout our service area. Installation of high-efficiency products not only sustain a water efficiency lifestyle-they help to fight water waste!

For assistance in completing a residential rebate application, or for more information, contact Donna DiLaura at ddilaura@walnutvalleywater.gov or (909) 595-7554 Ext. 327.


Pool Cover Rebate

Cover and save. Don’t let your savings evaporate! WVWD offers a $50 rebate when you purchase a qualifying pool cover.

Rebate Information

  • Rebates are for newly purchased covers specifically designed for pools and intended to prevent evaporative water loss.
  • The purchased pool cover must seal and enclose at least 65% of the pool’s water surface to qualify for a rebate.
  • Qualifying pool covers include: solar covers, disk covers, and sealed covers impermeable to water.
  • Non-qualifying pool covers include: secondhand covers, unsealed mesh covers permeable to water, chemical/liquid covers, winter pool covers, and spa covers.


  • Rebates are for newly purchased covers specifically designed for pools and intended to prevent evaporative water loss.
  • The purchased pool cover must seal and enclose at least 65% of the pool’s water surface to qualify for a rebate.
  • Qualifying pool covers include: solar covers, disk covers, and sealed covers impermeable to water.
  • Non-qualifying pool covers include: secondhand covers, unsealed mesh covers permeable to water, chemical/liquid covers, winter pool covers and spa covers.


  • The sales receipt for the pool cover must be included with the application along with a picture of the installed pool cover.
  • The rebate application must be submitted within 12 months of pool cover purchase date.
  • Applicant will allow WVWD staff to inspect the installation as a condition of receiving the rebate.
  • Applicant certifies that necessary permissions have been obtained from the property owner, if applicant is not the owner


  • Program is subject to available funds and WVWD reserves the right to alter the program at any time without notice.
  • The applicant is responsible for complying with any applicable codes, regulations, and permit requirements.
High-Efficiency Devices
Turf Replacement