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News Details

Mulch Madness Giveaway Becomes Community Favorite

March 6, 2023

Diamond Bar, CA (March 6, 2023) – On Saturday, March 4, WVWD hosted a themed Mulch Giveaway for its customers known as Mulch Madness. The inaugural event was immensely popular and well-attended by WVWD customers in the Diamond Bar and Walnut community. In total, over 40 CYDs of mulch were distributed which is enough for over 800 community members. WVWD also distributed water-efficient hose nozzles, reusable water bottles, and information on upcoming workshops and programs.

“We are truly thankful for the opportunity to receive free mulch for our yards,” said one Diamond Bar resident. “This mulch will help me cut down on the amount of water used to irrigate my lawn and decrease the amount of water lost to evaporation, which helps me reduce the amount of water I need to use to keep my landscape healthy.”

WVWD will continue to offer innovative sustainability programs and events. For more information on upcoming workshops and other related events, please visit WVWD’s Events Calendar.