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News Details

Walnut Valley Water District Focuses on Transparency with New Water Rates Video

October 30, 2024

Walnut Valley Water District (WVWD) has launched a new educational video designed to help residents better understand their water rates and the services they support. The video is available in both English and Mandarin, as the District values the diverse communities it serves and strives to find ways to be more inclusive in its communication.

With over 72 years of dedicated service, WVWD prioritizes transparency and accountability in its rate-setting process. The video outlines the key factors that influence water rates, including the rising costs of importing water from sources in Colorado and Northern California, as well as the expenses associated with maintaining and upgrading aging infrastructure.

“Our goal is to keep our community informed and engaged,” said Lily Lopez, Director of External Affairs and Sustainability. “By sharing our rate-setting process through informative videos and hosting interactive community meetings, we hope to strengthen trust and enhance understanding of the services we provide.”

View the rates video here, along with our “Did You Know?” series. This series, which preceded the rates video, offers additional insights on topics like water quality, the journey of our imported water supply, and our response to water emergencies.