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News Details

Walnut Valley Water District Honored For Excellence In Financial Reporting

November 22, 2021

Walnut, CA (November 22, 2021) – Walnut Valley Water District (WVWD) has been recognized for Excellence in Financial Reporting by the Government Finance Officers Association of the United States and Canada (GFOA).

WVWD received the Certificate of Achievement for its Comprehensive Annual Financial Report for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2020. The Certificate of Achievement is the highest form of recognition in the area of governmental accounting and financial reporting and is a reflection of the District’s strong financial planning and management.

“This award not only recognizes the District’s commitment to transparency and accountability but also the work ethic and values of the Finance department and staff,” stated Erik Hitchman, WVWD General Manager. “Sound financial reporting and management is a District-wide effort and we are proud to celebrate this achievement of economic resilience.

The Government Finance Officers Association is a 21,000-member nonprofit organization for government finance professionals. Judging is conducted by an impartial panel to determine if the annual report meets the high standards of financial reporting, including demonstrating a constructive “spirit of disclosure” to clearly communicate its financial story. WVWD’s Annual Comprehensive Financial Report is available at walnutvalleywater.gov/community/about-us/district-overview/transparency-and-accountability/.