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Recycled Water

Walnut Valley Water District operates a recycled water system to irrigate landscaped areas along freeways, sports fields, parks, medians, school grounds, commercial properties, and community association property.

Recycled water is the official name given to wastewater that has been extensively treated to be reused or repurposed. Recycled water is a reliable and cost-effective way to reduce our dependence on imported drinking water and is completely separate from WVWD’s drinking water system. Recycled water is not meant for consumption by individuals or pets.

WVWD delivers 763 million gallons of recycled water annually. Recycled water is drought-proof and can be easily identified by the purple pipes and signs. Learn more about recycled water in your community by clicking on the factsheet below.

Ways To Reuse Water At Home

Collect Shower Water

Use a bucket to collect the water from your shower while you wait for the water to warm up. This water can then be used to water plants in your yard.

Automate Water Collection

Install a greywater system in your home.

Shrubs Don’t Mind Soapy Water

Drain the water and soap used for washing cars to water plants and shrubs.

From Kitchen to Garden

Save the water used in your kitchen, such as to boil pasta or rinse vegetables, to water your yard, just make sure you let it cool down first!

Rainwater Capture

Install a rain barrel or cistern in your backyard to capture rainwater to use for watering your plants.

Recycled Water in Your Community

History Of Recycled Water In Your Community

Walnut Valley Water District completed its original recycled water system in 1986. Recycled water from the Pomona Reclamation Plant began to irrigate large landscaped areas. The original system included:

  • 17 miles of pipeline
  • 2-million-gallon storage tank
  • Recycled pump station
  • 21 connections serving 340 acres of land

Over the years, WVWD has expanded the use of recycled water to include a recycled water well that was completed in 1989 which pumps groundwater from an underlying basin and produces an average of 330 gallons of recycled water per minute. In 1992, WVWD doubled its recycled water storage capacity with the addition of an additional 2-million-gallon storage tank. In 2003, the second recycled water well was completed and produces an average of 155 gallons per minute.

Recycled Water Today & In The Future

Today the District’s recycled water system consists of:
  • 42 Miles of Pipeline
  • 4 Storage Tanks (6.2 Million Gallon Capacity)
  • 1 Pump Plant
  • 3 Booster Pump Stations
  • 1 Groundwater Booster Pump Station
  • 2 Pressure Regulations Stations
  • Over 300 Connections (Serving 600+ Acres)
  • 4 Active Wells (2,000 Gallons Per Minute)
  • 2 Inactive Wells
Recycled Water Compliance

Recycled water is used in a manner that is in compliance with all applicable Federal, State, and local statutes, ordinances, regulations, and other requirements to prevent direct human consumption, limit direct human contact, and limit runoff by controlling the installation and operation of recycled water facilities.

Recycled water is tested and certified by the Los Angeles County Department of Health Services to ensure safety.