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Walnut Valley Water District Promotes Steam Education During National Engineers Week

February 24, 2020

District activities included classroom presentations and one-on-ones with local
students to promote opportunities within the engineer and water industry

Walnut, CA (February 24, 2020) – Walnut Valley Water District participated in the National Society of Professional Engineers (NSPE) 69th annual National Engineers Week. Activities during National Engineers Week included a Water Quality presentation at Ron Hockwalt Academies, Suzanne Middle School’s Taco Tech Robotics district demonstration, Cal Poly Pomona’s Society of Women Engineers luncheon presentation, and social media posts.

Founded by the NSPE in 1951, National Engineers Week (February 16 – 22, 2020) was created to ensure a diverse and educated engineering workforce by increasing knowledge of and interest in engineering and technology careers. Engineers Week is dedicated to raising public awareness of engineers’ positive contributions to the community by promoting the importance of technical education (math, science, and technology literacy) to motivate the next generation of leaders towards engineering careers. Walnut Valley Water District offers engineering internships as a part of its efforts to recruit future leaders.

“Engineers Week has given our department the opportunity to share the innovative work taking place at the District with community members and stakeholders,” said Director of Engineering, Sherry Shaw.

Presentation topics included Water Quality, Water Testing, Technology, Civil Engineering, and Careers. Audience members included middle school, high school, and college students from the District’s service area.

Events during Engineers Week were offered to local schools for free and is one of the many ways WVWD aims to educate the community in a fun and engaging atmosphere.